MALAYSIA’S BEST BANK is the latest bank to have officially onboarded on AppAsia Berhad’s, with an agreement to conduct the Bank’s audit confirmation process via the online portal. AppAsia Berhad has a 12-year agreement to promote, operate and manage, the country’s... Read More
KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 18): AppAsia Bhd’s recent collaboration agreement with Telekom Malaysia Bhd’s (TM) subsidiary TM Info-Media Sdn Bhd will be the next catalyst of growth for the company, Rakuten Trade said. Through the collaboration, which is for an initial period of... Read More
APPASIA Bhd telah menandatangani perjanjian dengan Telekom Malaysia Bhd untuk mengembangkan platform digital Yellow Pages bagi tempoh permulaan lima tahun. Ini berikutan laporan sebelum ini mengatakan AppAsia mungkin telah membuat perjanjian bernilai RM2 bilion dengan TM. Sebagai sebahagian daripada perjanjian itu, AppAsia... Read More