AppAsia Bhd, formerly known as Extol MSC Bhd, will roll out several mobile-based app solutions next year and tap the growing smartphone apps market in Malaysia and other countries, following a restructuring of the company and boardroom tussle. Chairman Datuk Wira Rahadian... Read More
We are pleased to announce that our Group has changed name from “Extol MSC Berhad” to “AppAsia Berhad” with effective from 17 November 2014. Our Group has been well positioned in the IT Security Industry in the past few decades. While continuing the efforts to further our... Read More
Announcement: Change of company name from “Extol Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd” to “Extol Corporation Sdn Bhd” We would like to announce the change of company name from “Extol Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd” to “Extol Corporation Sdn Bhd”, effective from 8 October 2014 onwards.
Announcement: Change of company name from “Innodium Sdn Bhd” to “Extol International Sdn Bhd” We would like to announce the change of company name from “Innodium Sdn Bhd” to “Extol International Sdn Bhd”, effective from 12 September 2014 onwards.
Extol Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd is pleased to announce that CyberSecurity Malaysia has awarded the Common Criteria (CC) certification for its Two Factors Authentication (2FA) application using mobile devices – ePassport Suite version 3.0. This award was presented by En. Wan Shafiuddin... Read More