Web3 is a new iteration of the World Wide Web which incorporates concepts such as decentralisation, blockchain technologies, and token-based economics. Not only is it a way to manage your data, but Web3 is a way to redistribute ownership of the internet.

Find out more on the product and services we provide for you to transform your business for the future.

Blockchain Solutions

Blockchain refers to a record keeping technology which is designed to be hack-proof and prevents forging of information stored on the chain, thereby making it secure and immutable.

It stores data using ledger technology. We leverage this technology to allow our users to store data most cost-effectively and in a much more secure manner. All these benefits are available while still being able to share data access seamlessly with approved multiple business entities.

Prime your business for the future by: ensuring your data is secured & traceable, processes are automated through smart contracts, and share information faster by removing third-party mediation.

E-Certificate Blockchain

Blockchain systems can be used to control the dispersal of copyrighted material across the Internet. The secure storage of the information recorded in a chain will then become the primary function of the technology. Once stored, this data cannot be altered manually since advanced encryption protects it. The usage of the certificates is also recorded into the chain, so the owner can easily control the access. The utilization can be tracked online, and ownership is easily proved.

We combine Anti-Fraud software with Distributed Ledger Technology that creates a cryptography hash value (essentially being a digital signature) to verify whether a document is true and correct. Users simply have to scan a QR code on the document to verify a certificate’s authenticity. Pair this with the capabilities of Smart Contracts which execute an action if a trigger has occurred, your certification process will be fully digitalized!

This blockhain certificate is also designed to be easily downloaded and shared with others via email, social media and print also.

NFT Solutions

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are cryptographic tokens that represent something unique. Non-fungible assets are those that are not mutually interchangeable. NFTs contain identifying information that makes them unique. Unlike cryptocurrency – they cannot be exchanged like for like.

You may have heard of CrytopPunks or Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs having made headlines, with NFT sales reaching a market capitalization USD 78 million in April 2021, you would be excited to launch your very own NFTs as well.

We provide an all-encompassing solution suite that will provide you A-Z guidance on launching your very NFT collection, be it for your business or personal capacity. NFTs have earned itself many use cases, use this technology to build engagement with your users, gamifying interactions with your business. Or use NFTs to remove barriers of entry by fractionalizing a high-value asset into individual tokens each held by a user.

Process of NFT Development

MetaVBuilder – Metaverse Platform Solution

Want to create virtual real estate in the Metaverse? You can do so easily with the MetaVBuilder! Built as a metaverse-as-a-service (Maas) model, brands can define their spaces to be whatever they want them to be. An MaaS platform enables others to create digital locations that fit each of its users’ unique needs to maintain their brand identity.

We use a no-code interface so anyone can design and create their virtual land easily. Users can enter the land in a fully immersed virtual reality environment, or via point-and-click interactions on a desktop website.

Take it a step further by integrating our MetaBuilder technology into your very own site with API integration. We are committed in our mission to lend a helping hand to companies wishing to venture into the Web3 space.

Find out how to leverage Web3 technologies for your business

How can we help you? Speak to our specialist!
Call us: +603-2181 3666   |   Email us: [email protected]